» Archives for
November 2016
2:42 PM
Muhammad Alhaj
We love to download paid stuff for free of charge. utorrent
is a great application to do so, but sometimes
it would be Annoying to have advertisement ‘ads’. How can
we hide ads?
To turn off ads and offer
First go to advanced from preferences from Option menu
You can find flow flags to disable by changing value to false.
- offers.left_rail_offer_enabled/left_rail_offer
- gui.show_plus_upsell
- offers.sponsored_torrent_offer_enabled/sponsored_torrent_offer_enabled
- bt.enable_pulse
- gui.show_notorrents_node
- offers.content_offer_autoexec
These flags may be named slightly differently depending on
which version of the app you're using. Be careful when editing things if you're
not entirely sure what they do.